sabato, aprile 08, 2006
Crollano i risparmi delle famiglie: -40% in cinque anni
3 aprile 2006 | |
Cala velocemente la tradizionale propensione al risparmio delle famiglie italiane. L’istituto di ricerca Eurispes ha calcolato che tra il 2001 e il 2005 il risparmio complessivo accantonato annualmente dalle famiglie è passato da 106 miliardi a 64 con una riduzione del 40 per cento. La diminuzione del risparmio in termini percentuali è ancora più evidente se si calcola il rapporto con il prodotto interno lordo, che passa dall'8,9% del 2001 al 4,8% del 2005.L'Eurispes sottolinea che il motivo principale che ha abbattuto la propensione delle famiglie a risparmiare è la contrazione del reddito reale (gli aumenti dei prezzi secondo l'istituto di ricerca non sono stati sufficientemente compensati dagli incrementi salariali), che ha costretto il ceto medio a dedicare la gran parte delle entrate ai consumi per cercare di mantenere inalterato il proprio tenore di vita. Ma la contrazione del risparmio, secondo l’Eurispes, ha avuto anche cause strettamente finanziarie come i crack Cirio, Parmalat e la crisi Argentina, che hanno bruciato complessivamente 26,5 miliardi di euro. L'indagine sottolinea inoltre come le famiglie, sfiduciate nei confronti della Borsa e poco propense a investire nei Bot abbiano deciso di trattenere maggiore liquidità. Secondo l'Eurispes infatti la liquidità è aumentata dal 2001 al 2005 del 31,2% (da 640 miliardi di euro a 839,7). L'importo dei depositi bancari “pro capite” è molto diverso a seconda dell'area geografica con una media nel Nord Ovest di 9.053 euro, nel Nord Est di 8.378, di 8.543 nel Centro e di 4.848 nel Sud. L'Eurispes, infatti, sottolinea come i costi dei servizi bancari siano cresciuti costantemente in questi anni «aggiungendosi come un'ulteriore tassa sul già bistrattato risparmio». I servizi bancari, rileva l’istituto, costano in media in Italia 113 euro l'anno, il prezzo più alto dopo la Svizzera e l'Australia. |
Berlusconi's poll fight ends with a bang (BBC)
Berlusconi's poll fight ends with a bang
By Mark Mardell
BBC Europe editor
Silvio Berlusconi has made one final push to hang on to his job as Italy's prime minister.
Berlusconi has fought back hard against his opponents' attacks
He told a rally in Naples that his opponents worshipped Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot. He has warned Catholics that the left includes "priest eaters".
He has promised to abolish the tax on homes, which pays for local government and which would cost billions of euros a year.
He has said he will look at getting rid of the tax on rubbish collection. And it might all work.
In Rome, supporters of the left held a much lower-key affair listening to bands, a comedian and their candidate, Romano Prodi.
He said that Italy had a "desperate need of unity". The mood was upbeat, but hardly wild.
If Mr Prodi becomes Italy's new prime minister, it will be because Mr Berlusconi has lost - rather than because of any huge enthusiasm for the former president of the European Commission.
Method in 'madness'
At times during the campaign, it has seemed that Mr Berlusconi is on the verge of losing it and his behaviour has looked petulant.
When he submitted himself to a rare tough TV interview and the journalist asked some hard questions he gripped his inquisitor by the hand, told her she was a typical leftie and a disgrace, before ripping off his microphone and storming off.
Romano Prodi has fought a relatively understated campaign
He insulted Italy's leading business people, saying that they were "mad" and had something to hide if they voted for the left.
He complained that he had suffered like Jesus Christ for Italy and had worked night and day to improve the country.
He virtually accused magistrates investigating his affairs of being Communist stooges. He offended the Chinese by claiming the Communist party had boiled babies to make fertiliser.
He said that he couldn't believe that the left would win because there were not that many "coglioni" in the country - literally, it means "testicle", but you can choose whatever swear word you want that has the connotation of "idiot".
Mr Berlusconi most definitely gets some votes for his rough humour
But there is method in his apparent madness. Out of scores of opinion polls, only one suggests that Mr Berlusconi is going to win.
But a very high proportion of Italian voters say they have not made their mind up, and there are almost certainly former Berlusconi supporters who are thinking of staying at home.
He hopes attacking the intellectuals of the left, and raising an atavistic fear of Communism will encourage them to make the effort to vote.
Feeling the pinch
Former US President Bill Clinton said: "It's the economy, stupid", and this is true of most elections. It is certainly true of this one.
Mr Berlusconi most definitely gets some votes for his rough humour and the way he is seen standing alongside US President George W Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Russian President Vladimir Putin as an equal and a valued ally.
But he was put in power by people who could see that he was a successful businessman, a multi-millionaire, and they hoped that he could do for Italy what he has done for his own companies.
He would argue he has made a decent start, cutting youth unemployment in the south, investing in big projects designed to kick-start the economy and tackling some of the tangles of labour law.
But the fact is that the Italian economy has seen little or no growth. For years, Italy relied on low wages to be competitive in producing textiles, ceramics and furniture and now they're outgunned by the East.
As one businessman said to me: "We used to be China. Now they not only have lower labour costs, they have better transport links and training programmes."
Many Italians say they feel the pinch by the end of the month and a surprising number of them blame the euro, which was introduced by Mr Prodi, both as a previous prime minister and head of the EU Commission.
But irony is not unknown in politics and he could be the beneficiary of these voters' discontent.
By Mark Mardell
BBC Europe editor
Silvio Berlusconi has made one final push to hang on to his job as Italy's prime minister.
Berlusconi has fought back hard against his opponents' attacks
He told a rally in Naples that his opponents worshipped Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot. He has warned Catholics that the left includes "priest eaters".
He has promised to abolish the tax on homes, which pays for local government and which would cost billions of euros a year.
He has said he will look at getting rid of the tax on rubbish collection. And it might all work.
In Rome, supporters of the left held a much lower-key affair listening to bands, a comedian and their candidate, Romano Prodi.
He said that Italy had a "desperate need of unity". The mood was upbeat, but hardly wild.
If Mr Prodi becomes Italy's new prime minister, it will be because Mr Berlusconi has lost - rather than because of any huge enthusiasm for the former president of the European Commission.
Method in 'madness'
At times during the campaign, it has seemed that Mr Berlusconi is on the verge of losing it and his behaviour has looked petulant.
When he submitted himself to a rare tough TV interview and the journalist asked some hard questions he gripped his inquisitor by the hand, told her she was a typical leftie and a disgrace, before ripping off his microphone and storming off.
Romano Prodi has fought a relatively understated campaign
He insulted Italy's leading business people, saying that they were "mad" and had something to hide if they voted for the left.
He complained that he had suffered like Jesus Christ for Italy and had worked night and day to improve the country.
He virtually accused magistrates investigating his affairs of being Communist stooges. He offended the Chinese by claiming the Communist party had boiled babies to make fertiliser.
He said that he couldn't believe that the left would win because there were not that many "coglioni" in the country - literally, it means "testicle", but you can choose whatever swear word you want that has the connotation of "idiot".
Mr Berlusconi most definitely gets some votes for his rough humour
But there is method in his apparent madness. Out of scores of opinion polls, only one suggests that Mr Berlusconi is going to win.
But a very high proportion of Italian voters say they have not made their mind up, and there are almost certainly former Berlusconi supporters who are thinking of staying at home.
He hopes attacking the intellectuals of the left, and raising an atavistic fear of Communism will encourage them to make the effort to vote.
Feeling the pinch
Former US President Bill Clinton said: "It's the economy, stupid", and this is true of most elections. It is certainly true of this one.
Mr Berlusconi most definitely gets some votes for his rough humour and the way he is seen standing alongside US President George W Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Russian President Vladimir Putin as an equal and a valued ally.
But he was put in power by people who could see that he was a successful businessman, a multi-millionaire, and they hoped that he could do for Italy what he has done for his own companies.
He would argue he has made a decent start, cutting youth unemployment in the south, investing in big projects designed to kick-start the economy and tackling some of the tangles of labour law.
But the fact is that the Italian economy has seen little or no growth. For years, Italy relied on low wages to be competitive in producing textiles, ceramics and furniture and now they're outgunned by the East.
As one businessman said to me: "We used to be China. Now they not only have lower labour costs, they have better transport links and training programmes."
Many Italians say they feel the pinch by the end of the month and a surprising number of them blame the euro, which was introduced by Mr Prodi, both as a previous prime minister and head of the EU Commission.
But irony is not unknown in politics and he could be the beneficiary of these voters' discontent.
lunedì, aprile 03, 2006
Incontro di ritorno
Stasera c'è il match di ritorno tra Berlusconi e Prodi (ordine alfabetico).
Ultimamente la campagna elettorale dell'Unione perde colpi e torna allo scoperto il suo male atavico: l'andare dietro ai temi proposti dall'avversario.
Una volta scoperto il lato debole (quello più debole dal punto di vista dei potenziali consensi) del programma dell'Unione - l'aumento delle tasse - la CdL sta cercando di sfondare da quella parte. Correttamente, dato che è un concetto ben comprensibile al quale l'elettorato è molto sensibile, a differenza di un cuneo fiscale il quale, apparendo invece concetto ben più vago e difficile da comprendere, non fa presa.
Tra l'altro ieri la Annunziata si è mangiata Prodi, che, in difficoltà e con frasi mozze e non bene articolate, non ha dato grande prova di forma in vista del confronto di stasera. Tra l'altro ammettendo un "errore di comunicazione" sulle tasse di successione da parte del suo schieramento. L'impreparazione si paga cara...
L'impressione è che l'entourage di Berlusconi abbia fatto tesoro degli errori del primo faccia a faccia cambiando strategia e preparandolo ad insistere sugli elementi di debolezza dell'avversario.
Si profila un Berlusconi in attacco e un Prodi in difesa, quindi, a difendere il vantaggio. Prevarrà chi saprà essere non solo incisivo in quel che dice, ma soprattutto chiaro e lineare. Le incertezze si pagheranno.
Buon divertimento, io consiglio sempre il cinema.
Ultimamente la campagna elettorale dell'Unione perde colpi e torna allo scoperto il suo male atavico: l'andare dietro ai temi proposti dall'avversario.
Una volta scoperto il lato debole (quello più debole dal punto di vista dei potenziali consensi) del programma dell'Unione - l'aumento delle tasse - la CdL sta cercando di sfondare da quella parte. Correttamente, dato che è un concetto ben comprensibile al quale l'elettorato è molto sensibile, a differenza di un cuneo fiscale il quale, apparendo invece concetto ben più vago e difficile da comprendere, non fa presa.
Tra l'altro ieri la Annunziata si è mangiata Prodi, che, in difficoltà e con frasi mozze e non bene articolate, non ha dato grande prova di forma in vista del confronto di stasera. Tra l'altro ammettendo un "errore di comunicazione" sulle tasse di successione da parte del suo schieramento. L'impreparazione si paga cara...
L'impressione è che l'entourage di Berlusconi abbia fatto tesoro degli errori del primo faccia a faccia cambiando strategia e preparandolo ad insistere sugli elementi di debolezza dell'avversario.
Si profila un Berlusconi in attacco e un Prodi in difesa, quindi, a difendere il vantaggio. Prevarrà chi saprà essere non solo incisivo in quel che dice, ma soprattutto chiaro e lineare. Le incertezze si pagheranno.
Buon divertimento, io consiglio sempre il cinema.